Nová třída motorů KDI
Nová třída motorů KDI

History LOMBARDINI Group

The activity commences in 1922 when Adelmo Lombardini produces the first engine and, in 1933, together with his brothers Alberto and Raniero, decides to start his own business activity through “Lombardini Fabrica Motori” (Lombardini Engine Factory) constituted as a joint-stock company, taking over the already existing implants of a mechanical factory with attached foundry, situated in the immediate suburbs of Reggio Emilia.

After the great difficulties of the Second World War, the post military reconstruction finds the company ready with its range of diesel and combustion engines, marine engines and the production of generating sets, motor-pumps, motor-compressors and motor-welders.

The fifties conclude with the reaching of two fundamental stages of the company life’s history: in 1957 production of the LA engine series takes-off; in 1959 the range of products diversifies with the manufacturing of the first caterpillar agricultural tractor – Castoro.

The results obtained are such that cause the premises of Via Galliano, where the company originated, to become inadequate. In 1963, the construction of new premises, the current premises of Pieve (Reggio Emilia), is decided. During the same period, the company’s first real international achievement takes place with the creation of its first overseas branches.


'50 years

The seventies finds the company involved in reaching targets of a prevalent technological nature: in 1970 the first direct-injection, small-cylinder diesel engine is achieved, functionable at 3600 rpm.

In 1979, the construction of the Research and Development Department takes place. In 1986, Lombardini Marine also takes form, with the conviction that a specific division, independently operative and dedicated to the marine motorization, can guarantee better results.

The continuous efforts, with the finalization of advancing the technological level of the products offered, consent Lombardini in 1988 to commercialize its range of diesel engines: FOCS (Fully Integrated Overhead System) and CHD (Compact Heavy Duty).


'70 years

The company’s growth, initiated towards the end of the previous decade, continues during the beginning of the nineties by way of a constant technological renovation policy concerning the product range. In view of this, the production strategies are redefined between the various establishments.

In particular, ACME in Valdobbiadene, Treviso, specializes in the production of the gasoline engine series; and in Slovakia, production is concentrated on highly technological water-cooled CHD diesel engines.

While continuous efforts are made to improve quality, already back in 1995, the Quality System Certification according to the UNI ISO EN 9001 standard is obtained and, in 2002, the company is certified in conformity with the standard environmental and with the denomination “QS9000” which is specific for the companies operating in the motoring sector.


'90 years

In April 1999, the company becomes part of the American group, MARK IV INC. . The positive changes, due to the change of propriety, are seen without delay, and so starts an investment plan regarding both research and the strengthening of its competitive position.

The first results are seen in 1999 with the acquisition of Ruggerini – Lombardini’s life long competitor. The last act is seen with the acquirement of the Indian plant in August 2001. This plant finds place for special factory production lines dedicated to single-cylinder diesel engines for light-weight vehicles, extremely common in this country and particularly adapt for passenger and cargo transport.

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