Nová třída motorů KDI
Nová třída motorů KDI

Respecting the environment

The Lombardini Group is in the front line for a development policy compatible with Human welfare and environmental protection.

The race towards forever “cleaner” engines, commenced in the eighties, was initially sustained by the Constructors as being a heavy legislative obligation; but pretty soon it became understood that defending the environment is a primary responsibility of engine manufacturers and the concept has become a focal point of the Group’s strategy.

Furthermore, “clean” products are preferred by the users and constitute major competitive elements within the market. For this reason many engines, besides being conform to all existing regulations, currently respect the values of further reducing pollution.

Lombardini has dedicated, for many years consistently, human and economic resources to the theme of ecological improvement of its own engines, through:

  • The reduction of pollution emitted from the exhaust
  • The reduction of acoustic pollution

A team of 12 technicians work full-time on these themes, for which during the last three years over two million Euro have been invested in laboratory equipment and procedures.

The majority of the Lombardini engines are, in fact, certified according to the anti-pollution regulations, both European and American. For the latter, we do not just mean the Federal prescriptions of EPA, but also those specific of California (CARB).

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